A soft muzzle that lets your dog smile
Because of me, my Mum has made friends with lots of dog trainers, vets, vet specialist, pet handlers, pet behaviorist and pet advocates. Together, they collaborated and put together a recommended introduction plan for our soft muzzle. Below is a summary. A complete recommended introduction plan will be included with your SMUZZLE™ purchase.
1) Create a positive conditioned emotional response (+CER) to the appearance of the SMUZZLE™
2) Continue to form a positive association with the SMUZZLE™ during first physical contact
3) Increase the amount of time the SMUZZLE™ is in contact with the dog’s nose/mouth
4) Prepare the dog for wearing the SMUZZLE™ by presenting it in the “putting on” position (the opening towards the dog’s nose)
5) Wearing the SMUZZLE™
Silli Illi wants the SMUZZLE™ to be a success for you and your pet.
Please ensure you have put the SMUZZLE™ on your pet correctly:
a. The two seams of the mesh basket will be on top and on either side of your pet’s snout
b. The elastic should be under your pet’s “chin”
c. Secure the side straps firmly around your pet’s head
* Take care the band of the basket is not pushing on your pet’s eyes and that ears are clear of the side straps.